Suggestions for household cleaning

Regular cleaning helps prevent pests, lowers allergens in the house like dust and dander, and inhibits the growth of germs, including bacteria and viruses that cause disease. Cleaning purges surfaces and items of dust, grime, and bacteria. After cleaning high-risk areas, such as bathroom surfaces and food preparation surfaces—especially if someone is sick in the house—use a disinfectant that kills germs. Observe the cleaning guidelines in places where food is prepared, particularly after handling raw meat, poultry, fish, or eggs.

Cleaning and disinfection products may include chemicals that are dangerous to drink, contact, or breathe in. For safe usage, always read and abide by the directions on product labels. The chance of experiencing negative health consequences from product usage, such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, and nasal irritation, is decreased when gloves are used and the area is well-ventilated.

How to sanitize and cleanse?

Cleaning: Before applying disinfectants, thoroughly clean all surfaces with soap, water, or detergent. Disinfectants may be less effective on surfaces that have dust or other things on them.

Disinfection: Use a disinfectant only after cleaning surfaces to eradicate bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Verify if the product is an EPA-approved product by looking for the registration number on the label. Pay close attention to the label's instructions.

Keep an eye on the contact time—the duration of time the disinfectant has to stay on the surface to work. This applies to disinfection wipes as well and may differ according to the product.

If a disinfectant is not available, you can use a newly made home bleach solution according to the directions on the label.